Tuesday, May 17, 2011

9th Blog

         Today was a repeat from few days ago. We took our bottles and poured exactly 1L of oil into each bottle. The jars that once held methanol were cleaned. 12 grams of sodium hydroxide were measured and placed on petri dishes. Methanol was once again poured into the jars that were just cleaned. We poured the sodium hydroxide into the jars. Everyone shook them until they dissolved completely. This made methoxide. Then, the methoxide was poured into each of the bottles with oil in them. After that, we had to flip the bottle upside down 8 times. Finally, we placed our bottles upside down on a beaker. We are making more usable oil in class. I think we are close. We can see if we have enough oil to move a bus. Some physical property tests are testing boiling point, appearance, etc. 
Yesterday, we used the classroom laptops to check if we're done with blogging. 

This is a picture of petri dish: 

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