Monday, May 2, 2011

2nd Blog

-Blog Post Research
The research I have been doing for this project is about how to make biodiesels, how to purify oil, how diesel engines work, the formula for making the fuel, and how to clean used cooking oil. The key point in my research is how to make biodiesels. You can make biodiesels few different ways, but the most common way is to use used cooking or vegetable oil with some methanol.  To purify oil, you can use an oil filter. An oil filter looks like the following image.

Another way to purify oil is how you purify all other liquids. You can boil it in hot water! Diesel engines are like a regular car engine. The only difference is that it is more efficient. The way that a diesel engine starts is different from how a regular engine starts. That’s what makes it so efficient. This is an image of a diesel engine. 

The formula for how to make a biodiesel/fuel requires the following materials: 1 Liter of vegetable oil, 220 ml of methanol, and 7 grams of Potassium Hydroxide or 5 grams of Sodium Hydroxide. After that, there are 4 easy steps to making a biodiesel. The 4 steps are:
1. First, dissolve the Potassium Hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide to make methoxide. 
2. Then, heat the oil to 55 degrees Celsius.
3. Next, mix the methoxide with oil.
4. Seperate glycerine from the oil. Lastly, wash the biodiesel to remove anything that is not necessary.

-Oil Cleaning Method
             One way to clean oil is to heat up the cooking oil and then strain it through a cheese cloth linen towel. Next, you place the purified oil in the freezer. Following these steps should get rid of unnecessary things in the oil. The following image is a cheese cloth linen towel.


  1. That has a lot of research and good pictures. Also, can you the reuse cheese cloth linen towel or do you have to buy a lot of them?

  2. Very good procedures. They are very percise step by step way to complete this process of making an alternate biodiesel way, but is this method time effective is their any other way to process this vegetable oil in a way that is time sparing? You have very vivid and intresting pictures that give me a better understandment of the purification process. Thankyou
