Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd Blog

If we heat the oil and strain it through a cheese cloth or a coffee filter, then the oil will be clean.

- Coffee Filter/Cheese Cloth
- Big Funnels
- Buckets
- Cooking Thermometer

1.       Heat up the cooking oil.
2.      Then strain it through a cheese cloth linen towel or a coffee filter.
3.      Next, place the oil that has been purified into a container.
4.    Place a lid on the container.
5.      Put it in the freezer if you are going to use the cooking oil on a regular basis (3 to 4 times a week).
This should get rid of the unnecessary things that were in the oil.

I got the procedure from this link: 

Here is a picture of a cheese cloth linen towel:

Here is a picture of a coffee filter: 

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